Hurst Cycles Trading Software - Accurately Forecast Nifty and Stock Cycles

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Intraday - 8/17

Ok I had thought of covering 2/3 of my shorts..but I am not getting enough signals for me to go ahead or my targets...So I am holding 60% shorts as of now..I will look to reshort if we continue to rally higher. I am not very sure about this since my initial feel was to cover shorts and reshort higher but looking at the moves today, I think we have more downside coming and risk-reward is in shorts favour. If you want to reduce risk, please go ahead and reduce shorts and reshort higher...But I would not recommend going long considering the shape of the cycles right now. If in doubt, stay out!



Sujatha said...

Welcome back Lee :) Happy to see you back.

How is ur daughter going to "pre nursery"???


Lee said...

Hi Sujatha,
Thanks!..Hopefully I will stay longer this time :)

Daughter..well she is quite a handful right now..2 years a few weeks back..she is going to a montessori school over here now because my wife also started working recently..

Times a changing ;)
