Hurst Cycles Trading Software - Accurately Forecast Nifty and Stock Cycles

Sunday, August 26, 2012


A quick update. I exited longs last week at around 5400 and above. A gain of around 8% on a portfolio of 40L. Not great...but not bad considering it was an easy trade/no daytrading/ easy just sitting on it for few months.

Why? Because I expect the 40week low after 4 weeks. It should come in around beginning of October.
We should have a bounce back or rally after that.

After that the next major low - the 80 week and likely 4.5yr low comes in around May/June next year.

So a period of having to be cautious. Maybe we will get a generational buy like Oct 2008 next year sometime. However price need not go very low as all big bears are expecting. Wait and watch. Right now I am fully out of market but waiting to see how the 40 week low comes about to see if I should buy for a 2-3 month rally.

I may not post any longer here :) Sorry just too much going on nowadays.

All the best to all.
