I just realized we've completed a very powerful chart formation here, i think its called the "funny blue lizard guy loses his lunch" pattern. I just forget how you're supposed to play this one.

Sorry guys...In case you did not realize till now...this was a weekend FUN post..lol...hope I gave you some laughs...
On a more serious note...I am seriously considering shutting down this blog...Why? You might ask..Well several reasons...Dont want to elucidate them here...But I will consider any comments any one has before making a decision.
Don't shut down the blog, Lee. You've put so much work - take a break if you must, but don't destroy all this info and work you've put together!
You and ss keep threatening us with your Jesse Livermore moodiness - no more of it! We need your blogs around for the next 20 - 30 yrs to document our financial history in non-crablike indianness.:)
As long as you enjoy doing what you have been doing, Creativity will be at its best. It will benefit you besides benefiting many.
The day you are tired of it, it shows your heart does not find enough motivation/ interest to carry on.
The best thing to do is to scale down your own expectations..listen to your own intuition as you watch the markets..and pen those intuitive observations only..you will then find your passion once again..
Know yourself..Know your own strengths.. You know yourself better that any one of us.
However lonely it may feel at times, just carry on, my friend...
Best wishes and regards.
Yep!This is knows as BBS - Bloggers Burnout Syndrome!(don't google it out - it's my invention) Not so soon though! You need to blog at least for coupla years before you start getting BBS. I've gone through it and friends like Yoda, kr, Ilango,Smarty and many others have saved me !
Ok Lee , I know financial blogging is not the easiest thing to do. Try some variations in your posts - if day in day out you post the Nifty chart you will get fed up. Try some humor like the lizard pattern :p,or some analysis, thoughts on something different say individual stocks, etc.
Continue blogging !
@ Yoda - lol :)
You are doing such a wonderful job. Please don't stop blogging.
Hi Lee,
I enjoy your blog.You have one of the most creative mind around here and I love the way you interpret markets.If you feel tired,take a rest.Thats perfectly okay.
Thanks and Regards
Kaushik Datta
Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You're the only one who can do it permanently.
Lee, I was about to refer you to BBS,
but SS has done the honours already,
Take a break but do continue..
see ss blog for more.
you know what word verification i got? to confirm the post?
Nice to see so many bloggers come out to offer support. (maybe we need a support group blog for BBS harakiri attempts, like putting out a fire. heh:)
We've all gone through the 'there must be more to life than this' feeling - just don't give in to evening downers and take a week to make major decisions.
Hi Lee, I have been reading ur blog for sometime now & I really appreciate ur reading of the charts & some of the analysis. Especially the way you perfectly predicted the fall from 4300 levels was mind-blowing to say the least. Please continue ur blog & take a break if u feel exhausted. I am truly a fan of ur blog.
Hi Lee,
Your blog is the only one I've got in my Internet Explorer favorites. I admire your succint view on the market and interpratation of the charts. You may like to take a break or try a variation....but in the long run, please continue blogging.......cheers.....Rahul
Please do not shut down the blog...You are one of the few elite persons who gives a lucid and detailed explanation of the intricacies in the financial market. The vivid details makes the blog lovable...Taken from the word verification...loaivid...Do take a break to rejuvinate yourself and keep going on...
Quoting Robert Frost for inspiration...The woods are lovely dark and deep, But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep...
Hey guys...thank you for all of your thoughts, comments, encouragement etc...cant say how much helped me...there are several reasons why I was having second thoughts...Some of which I will explain in next post...Never knew about the BBS syndrome though :) Maybe thats what it is..lol
I will continue with the blog..
Yoda - you're right..I dont want to destroy of this effort...But also some other concerns are there...Mostly with newbies not understanding risk and trading blindly...I really hate people taking something as a call and blindly trading it...Seen it several times...And then we have questions on the comments section on what to do next? I hate this..I fear for them...And dont want anything like that on my consience...
SS...Well you too done it several times :) I also commented on those...funny though all those posts disappeared after... :)
I will keep the funny blue lizard post here though... :)
Ilango, Kaushik, Ranga all others, thanks for your comments...Appreciate them..
Best Regards,
hey papa! not several times but only twice I guess!(see I'm more experienced than you!). My reasons were very very different than yours though.
It happens while blogging; sometimes we get annoyed and just want to get away from this world.
Whatever, but it's a good feel - closing / taking a break / and starting all over again...
ss :)
Lee, I understand your feelings. I too fear for innocence. Every newborn, streetpup and eager beaver makes me sad for the suffering and loss of innocence awaiting them - but that's the tragedy (maybe the purpose) of living, not just trading.
Take heart that some survive, all learn and many do better for having help... like yours ... around.:)
It has been G8 learning from your blog always, and all your analysis is very good. I won't be able to give a very good suggestion but would like to tell you that seeing your effort i also started writing a blog, though its very useless but i thought i'll make some effort just looking at your work. You have been inspiration for me. So i would say please don't stop the blogging.
Best wishes and regards,
ente ammo??
man i am proud of you!!awesome man!
after reading all the comments....sammathichirikkunnu!!nee sambhavam thanne!!
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