Hurst Cycles Trading Software - Accurately Forecast Nifty and Stock Cycles

Monday, October 24, 2011


This obviously remains the BIG barrier right now for market upsides. This needs to be cleared before we can say all clear for higher prices. I earlier thought market might clear it an then retest it from above. But does not look like it at this point. So we might consolidate and move lower here for a few days to set the 5 week low before we can rally higher.

Of course today is a big news day so anything can happen. And together with that expiry. So could be quite a day. I still have some future longs from 5050 area. I think I will close them today to be on safer side and wait and watch. Cash side I have already spoken about before. I will be doing some rebalancing today - removing some underperformers and freeing up some funds for later.

Charts are still relevant from yesterday. And I will post some more thoughts later on the market cycles. Dont miss the comments section from last post.



Unknown said...

Time will tell abt confirmed bear or shortterm bear or mad bull,
I am confirmed bear bear and bear, nobody knows outcome of europe but one thing is sure market making hole downside and one day that small small holes will be a huge hole :) :)

Food Delicacies said...

all bears were afraid incl. me when mkt tched the 5200 mark. mkts are mad run on bad news and fall dn on good news.inspite of pm and fm suggesting slowdown mkts ran up. why ?

r m said...

Dear Lee

Wishing you and your readers a Very Happy Diwali.


Unknown said...

Wishing you and ur family happy diwali

Lee said...

thanks for your wishes guys..wish you all also a very happy and prosperous Diwali!
